All Hail The Thunderbird Part 26
Aren’t skeptics kind of a pain in the butt? Now, don’t get me wrong, I advocate critical thinking and not buying into flights of fancy without considering the facts. Skepticism is healthy, and greatly needed in our wonderful era of FAKE NEWS. But, sometimes skepticism goes hand-in-hand with an upturned nose and a reactive dismissal to anything strange that somebody claims. How many people are truly dumb enough to mistake swamp gas, the planet Venus and meteors for much more compelling objects moving through the sky? Yet, that’s what I’ve heard many skeptics proclaim, CASE CLOSED, without even considering or researching all the facts (or at worst, ignoring the claims that contradict the easy explanations). I think it more likely that most people insisting they’ve seen UFOs have a.) witnessed something earthly that doesn’t require them comically misinterpreting a pinprick of light in the sky or b.) making it up, whether it be for attention, laughs or a genuine desire to BELIEVE. The divers’ prompt dismissal of Ronald’s account of the Thunderbird as a “rogue pelican” felt about right, as these things go. 😀
In other news, I was delighted to learn that I was nominated for not one, but TWO categories in the 2018 Drunk Duck Awards! If you’re not aware, Drunk Duck was this comic’s first home on the web, and I still post it there and take part in the awesome community. It’s been a long time since I’ve been nominated for an award on the Duck, so it’s nice validation after bringing the comic back and keeping up with it. Thank you so much to everyone who voted! The categories are “Best Use of Medium (Non-Traditional)” and “Best All Ages Comic.” I guess I better hold off on that big tentacle porn storyline I was planning, eh? 😉
— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
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