500 Part 2
This goes ALL the way back to “Satan in the Shadows,” in which it was revealed that Captain Kirk, William Shatner specifcally, is Commander Schwartz’s hero. It makes sense, right? (He’s also mine!)
These toys are the classic MEGO Captain Kirk and Enterprise Bridge, the re-releases by Diamond Select Toys, anyway. They’re hella fun and the design of the Enterprise playset is delightfully wacky. This Captain Kirk toy was also a favorite guest star of mine on Twisted Toyfare Theater back in the day, if anyone remembers Toyfare magazine. That feature was a predecessor to Robot Chicken.
— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
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This is perhaps the only webcomic ever to make a reference to the Doctor Who episode Horns of Nimon, and I applaud you for it!
I accept the applause. lol That’s one of my favorite Tom Baker episodes. Pure cheese. 🙂