I’m still in the process of renovating a house and moving, and I am grateful for all your kind comments on our celebration of 1,000 comics! I found some time to shoot another short storyline, which ties back to one of the first comics I ever made. Hope you enjoy!
Stuck On Mars Redux
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If LEGO released another reimagined set from its classic Space themes, which would you like to see? I lean toward one of the UFO flying saucers or the Particle Ionizer from M:Tron. Anything M:Tron would do.
Big news in the LEGO Space universe this week! This fall, LEGO will be releasing a big, hardcover book dedicated to our favorite theme! It’s a whopping 50 bucks, but can be pre-ordered on Amazon here: LEGO Space: 1978-1992
It’s been a piece of lost media for several years, and I’ve received requests for the long-gone sole episode of Space Audiobooks, my dramatic reading of “Stuck On Mars.” It has been mysteriously missing from my archive of comic files, and the online link to the story is long dead. In the course of my move, I was able to boot up (after several attempts) one of my old, creaky laptops. And lo and behold, sitting right there on the desktop was “Stuck On Mars,” the Space Audiobook. I’m not saying it’s any kind of masterpiece, but I am happy to restore this lost adventure for your listening enjoyment. Click to here to listen to or download Space Audiobooks: Stuck On Mars!