As a writer, it’s strange when you have a scene in your brain for a long time but don’t put it down on paper. It festers there, banging around in your head, looking for an outlet. For me, this sometimes happens for years and it can almost drive me mad. “Back in the Black,” at least, was actually scripted years ago before the comic went on its long hiatus. But I hadn’t shot it, so the visuals lived solely in my mind for all that time, the scene in this comic and the next especially. It’s surreal to me to have actually photographed and assembled it in reality. The finished visuals certainly resemble what I had imagined, but are still different due to the practicalities of actually staging the comics and last-minute improvisations. But I’m still happy with the finished product, and it’s serene to finally have it out of my head and put to rest. Now to attend to those hundreds of other untold stories I have up there!
— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
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