Posts Tagged sadomasochism
The “Anastar Ruby” is actually one of those little plastic sprues that some LEGO pieces used to come attached to. This particular one held together the trans-red discs for my Blacktron Invader.
Masoch noticing Valkyrie’s hair (if not her name) might seem like an error on my part, but I assure you it’s not…
Happy Holidays!
– This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
Follow Space: The Comic on TWITTER and FACEBOOK .
Had one unexpected comic in my head to add to this storyline. More Masoch is a good thing, right? Next up is the final comic of the year, as we resume “Bootlegs.”
– This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
Follow Space: The Comic on TWITTER and FACEBOOK .
This comic page was a satisfying one to create.”Bootlegs” is a long story, so it’s nice to begin a new chapter of it in a new setting. The setting is not new to the comic itself, as the Raven’s Port Bar has shown up many times; it’s one of the comic’s main locations. The respect just won by Schwartz follows his fairly regular assignment of being sent to break up bar fights between those uninhibited and wacky M:Tron scientists! The “Have You Seen Me?” poster is of course for Scouse, who went missing when he was abducted by aliens right outside the bar! Finally, Valkyrie sure made good on her golf-related promise from earlier in the story, didn’t she? FORE!
– This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
Follow Space: The Comic on TWITTER and FACEBOOK.
Taking pictures for this storyline has been slow-going, but it has been cool to work with characters that haven’t received much attention in awhile, like Walker and the ever-disturbing Masoch.
— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
Follow Space: The Comic on TWITTER and FACEBOOK .
For reasons probably best explored in an essay when I’m more awake, Space: The Comic seems to be very pro-S&M.
The asteroid costume reminds me (and I only recall this now) of a pumpkin costume my grandmother made for me on one of my earliest Halloweens. I was round, orange and stuffed with paper. She took me to some harvest festival and we sat down on the grass for storytime, where I promptly rolled over, being round and all. I pleaded with her honestly that I couldn’t get up, but she shushed me and told me to stop fooling around. Even then I appreciated the humor of the situation and just kind of sighed as I settled in to enjoy communal storytime from a sideways position.
— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
Follow Space: The Comic on TWITTER and FACEBOOK .
Although the situation depicted is totally different, I kept hearing the pulse-pounding score from “The Dark Knight Rises” and picturing the awesome Batman vs. Bane fight scenes while assembling this comic.
— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.
Follow Space: The Comic on TWITTER and FACEBOOK .